How Storytell Builds Product

Why managing AI risk presents new challenges

Aliquet morbi justo auctor cursus auctor aliquam. Neque elit blandit et quis tortor vel ut lectus morbi. Amet mus nunc rhoncus sit sagittis pellentesque eleifend lobortis commodo vestibulum hendrerit proin varius lorem ultrices quam velit sed consequat duis. Lectus condimentum maecenas adipiscing massa neque erat porttitor in adipiscing aliquam auctor aliquam eu phasellus egestas lectus hendrerit sit malesuada tincidunt quisque volutpat aliquet vitae lorem odio feugiat lectus sem purus.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur lobortis pellentesque sit ullamcorpe.
  • Mauris aliquet faucibus iaculis vitae ullamco consectetur praesent luctus.
  • Posuere enim mi pharetra neque proin condimentum maecenas adipiscing.
  • Posuere enim mi pharetra neque proin nibh dolor amet vitae feugiat.

The difficult of using AI to improve risk management

Viverra mi ut nulla eu mattis in purus. Habitant donec mauris id consectetur. Tempus consequat ornare dui tortor feugiat cursus. Pellentesque massa molestie phasellus enim lobortis pellentesque sit ullamcorper purus. Elementum ante nunc quam pulvinar. Volutpat nibh dolor amet vitae feugiat varius augue justo elit. Vitae amet curabitur in sagittis arcu montes tortor. In enim pulvinar pharetra sagittis fermentum. Ultricies non eu faucibus praesent tristique dolor tellus bibendum. Cursus bibendum nunc enim.

Id suspendisse massa mauris amet volutpat adipiscing odio eu pellentesque tristique nisi.

How to bring AI into managing risk

Mattis quisque amet pharetra nisl congue nulla orci. Nibh commodo maecenas adipiscing adipiscing. Blandit ut odio urna arcu quam eleifend donec neque. Augue nisl arcu malesuada interdum risus lectus sed. Pulvinar aliquam morbi arcu commodo. Accumsan elementum elit vitae pellentesque sit. Nibh elementum morbi feugiat amet aliquet. Ultrices duis lobortis mauris nibh pellentesque mattis est maecenas. Tellus pellentesque vivamus massa purus arcu sagittis. Viverra consectetur praesent luctus faucibus phasellus integer fermentum mattis donec.

Pros and cons of using AI to manage risks

Commodo velit viverra neque aliquet tincidunt feugiat. Amet proin cras pharetra mauris leo. In vitae mattis sit fermentum. Maecenas nullam egestas lorem tincidunt eleifend est felis tincidunt. Etiam dictum consectetur blandit tortor vitae. Eget integer tortor in mattis velit ante purus ante.

  1. Vestibulum faucibus semper vitae imperdiet at eget sed diam ullamcorper vulputate.
  2. Quam mi proin libero morbi viverra ultrices odio sem felis mattis etiam faucibus morbi.
  3. Tincidunt ac eu aliquet turpis amet morbi at hendrerit donec pharetra tellus vel nec.
  4. Sollicitudin egestas sit bibendum malesuada pulvinar sit aliquet turpis lacus ultricies.
“Lacus donec arcu amet diam vestibulum nunc nulla malesuada velit curabitur mauris tempus nunc curabitur dignig pharetra metus consequat.”
Benefits and opportunities for risk managers applying AI

Commodo velit viverra neque aliquet tincidunt feugiat. Amet proin cras pharetra mauris leo. In vitae mattis sit fermentum. Maecenas nullam egestas lorem tincidunt eleifend est felis tincidunt. Etiam dictum consectetur blandit tortor vitae. Eget integer tortor in mattis velit ante purus ante.

We have a unique process to leverage user feedback to guide our product development.

Our product & engineering team prioritizes user feedback and uses a structured process to incorporate it into our product development.

Incorporating User Feedback into Product Development: A Structured Approach

User feedback is an essential aspect of our product development -- especially because Market Signal is our North Star. This feedback provides valuable insights into how users perceive and interact with Storytell. Incorporating user feedback into our product development leads to an improved user experience, increased user satisfaction, and ultimately, higher adoption rates. However, incorporating user feedback can be challenging, especially when dealing with a large volume of feedback. In the video above I discuss a structured approach to incorporating user feedback into product development.

Step 1: Collecting User Feedback

The first step in incorporating user feedback into product development is collecting feedback. There are several ways we collect user feedback, including through the Chrome Extension, directly in Slack, email and social media. We work to collect feedback from a diverse range of users to ensure that the feedback is representative of the user base. Once feedback has been collected, I describe in the video above how we use ProductBoard to organize and prioritize it based on the feedback's relevance and impact on the product.

Step 2: Breaking Feedback into Tasks

The next step is to break the feedback into tasks. This involves analyzing and categorizing the feedback and identifying specific actions that we can take to address the feedback. We break tasks down into manageable pieces that can be completed within a reasonable timeframe within a sprint. Each task is assigned a priority level based on its relevance and impact on the product.

Step 3: Creating a Shortlist for the Sprint

Once tasks have been identified and prioritized, the next step is to create a shortlist for the sprint. The shortlist includes the most critical tasks that can be completed within the sprint timeframe. The shortlist is discussed with the product team to ensure that it aligns with the product's overall goals and objectives using a "Jobs to be done" framework.

Step 4: Using a Sprint Cycle Process

The final step is to use a sprint cycle process to complete the tasks on the shortlist. The sprint cycle process involves four stages: triage, Q&A, demo, and reflection.

In the triage stage, a speaker reviews the shortlist and assigns tasks to team members. In the Q&A stage, team members ask questions about the tasks to ensure they clearly understand what needs to be done. In the demo stage, team members demonstrate their completed tasks to the rest of the company. Finally, in the reflection stage, the team reflects on the sprint and identifies areas for improvement.

Incorporating user feedback into product development can be challenging, but a structured approach can make the process more manageable. Collecting user feedback, breaking it into tasks, creating a shortlist for the sprint, and using a sprint cycle process can help ensure that user feedback is effectively incorporated into the product development process. By prioritizing user feedback and using a structured approach, product teams can create products that meet the needs of their users and drive adoption rates.